Leader of Opposition Hon. Matthew Wale congratulates USAID for the decision to prioritize Malaita Province in its allocation of USD$25 million under its SCALE programme for the Pacific.
In congratulating the Province, Hon. Wale also calls on the Malaita Premier and his executive to stay focussed on the underlying objectives of such funding.
“As a leader, I must thank USAID and its funding agencies. The decision truly recognises the many contributions Malaitans have done for Solomon Islands throughout our short history, and the many potentials that the province still has to offer.
“I am sure the decision will truly be appreciated by the people of Malaita,” the Opposition Leader stressed.
Hon. Wale added that as the most populous and one of the largest provinces, putting in place the right mechanisms for sustainable use and management of resources, and the harnessing and driving of development through agriculture and other community based development initiatives is sound and crucial at this point in time.
“The funding targets improvement of systems in key sectors that Malaita has a lot to offer in.
“I am sure with the right policy backup from the provincial government, a lot can be done in effecting much needed change in the livelihood of the people of Malaita.
“I therefore remind the Hon. Premier and his executive to make the most of the assistance and to stay focussed on the main objective of improving the livelihood of all Malaitans,” the Opposition Leader further added.
Source: Opposition Press