Polling a total votes of 2,571, Mr. Alfred Tuasulia is now the winning candidate for West Kwara'ae.

The West Kwara’ae Constituency turned up in big numbers to cast their votes for their new Member of Parliament (MP) for the remaining months before the next National General Election in 2024.

Early this morning, the returning Officer, Mr. Pearson Simi announced the result after a whole night of counting at the Malaita Provincial Assembly.

A total of 12 candidates contested in the By-Election, with Mr. Tuasulia winning by a landslide victory. Mr. Tuasulia is an Independent Member. 

Throughout the polling day, there were 12 counting agents present for each candidate and 10 officers including 3 supervisors for verification and tallying with a total of 7 batches to count. 

Batch 1 included 5 polling stations, Batch 2 included 4 polling stations, Batch 3 included 5 polling stations, Batch 4 included 4 polling stations, Batch 5 included 4 polling stations, Batch 6 included 4 polling stations (incl. Prepoll PS) and Batch 7 included 4 polling statiins.

A total of 30 polling stations were batched randomly across the 2 Wards in the Constituency for the count. The count was also observed by accreditated observers.

Formalities following the result will begin and will be facilitated accordingly in the coming days. 


Source: Solomon Islands Electoral Office