Wellbeing & Lifestyle goes beyond athlete’s physical performances. It provides the support to assist athletes in finding the right balance between life activities, training and competition along with the benefits of developing a dual career.
As one of the key functional services offered for at the Solomon Islands National Institute of Sport (SINIS) High – Performance program, Wellbeing & Lifestyle Performance Services (WLP) directly supports athletes from a holistic development perspective.
During the National Federations Athletes Induction process, they had the opportunity to meet with WLP team to go through the wellbeing assessment, using the flourishing scale assessment and the Quality sleep questionnaire assessment.
- Flourishing Scale – is assessment tool with scale provides a single psychological wellbeing score, a good way to identify/ indicate good mental and physical health.
- Quality sleep questionnaire – is an assessment tool, were WLP team use to assess individual athletes sleep quality. Sleep is essential for athletes both for preparing and recovering from trainings/ competitions and also provide awareness on the importance of sleep to athletes.
WLP also introduce the heat map assessment - an athlete heat map is a tool that help (the WLP team) identify individual athlete needs that links to the various services what we will provide for athletes according to wellbeing and lifestyle performance service framework.
The key areas of support for athletes are; duals career, Bio- psychosocial, beliefs and behaviour and personal development.
According to each High – Performance WLP team, they will conduct a debriefing session for all athletes that went through the initial induction process.
The aim is to go through the findings from the initial assessment with individual athletes and help develop an individual athlete wellbeing and lifestyle road map.
Athlete road map determines what individual athletes need to support them achieve their performance goals both in and outside of sport. Evaluate themselves across a wide range of areas and then we will work together to develop strategies for addressing the areas that will have the biggest impacts on their ability to perform as an athlete.
Athlete road map captures – individual athletes – long term and short-term plans, their performance goals, their profile, and different WLP service they need. After the debriefing, WLP team will roll out its service activities for athletes according to their Road Map/ Plan to attend during their free times.
Through providing guidance, support, resources and educational opportunities athletes are encouraged to continue to learn, develop and grow both on and off the sporting field.
SINIS WLP team has four (4) full-time staff and interns.
Source: SINIS Media