Adjustment of teachers' salaries is still government's priority, says Permanent Secretary for Education, Barnabas Anga.
In a letter to the Secretary to Prime Minister, Mr. Anga stated that his ministry will prioritise the adjustment of teachers' salaries after verifying the submissions from the respective Education Authorities.He said the re-leveling exercise and unified pay structure endorsed by Cabinet in 2006 is still government's priority, the long and dedicated service benefit to be paid when the National Parliament passed the 2007 Supplementary Appropriation Bill at its August 2007 session.
Mr. Anga said the inducement allowances and arrears to be backdated for teachers to January 2007 and July 2006 will be addressed in the 2008 and 2009 recurrent budget estimates, as it would be unrealistic to include the substantial costs in the 2007 supplementary appropriation bill.
He said education authorities as the employing authority is committed to meet a portion of the annual travel expenses of the teachers, adding government will facilitate allowances for teachers who are in charge of extra-curricular activities and teaching at boarding schools.