Lambi, Sahalu, Savulei, Tadai to Aola are the wards needing immediate assistance from NDMO.
This week, Guadalcanal Provincial Disaster Authority is sending a total of five teams to carry out assessment to the wards that were badly affected by TC Harold
Each team consists of five officers with one police officer accompanying each team. This is to provide security for the officers during the field assessment.
However according to GP Disaster Office there is a delay to respond to victims of TC Harold Victims.
"Due to less number of staff we can't cover those areas immediately. We were able to reach other areas accessible to us. We also depend on manpower to do the work", a statement from the office said.
The office said they appreciate NGOs like Red Cross, Oxfam in their effort to support their team to carry out impact assessments on some of the areas they were able to reach.
"All Teams who currently out in the field and should complete their reports before Sunday for the final analysis. All reports will be categorized into impacts into different sectors example Agriculture ,education before we submit the final report to the National Disaster Management Office”, the statement said.
Almost 60 percent of areas on Guadalcanal province were affected by TC Harold.
Roads and bridges connecting villages to Honiara has been badly affected, in certain cases villages have been cut off having to use boat instead.
Most affected by TC Harold are yet to receive relief assistance.