The current rise in petrol and diesel prices in the country is sure to hit the country hard. Already Taxi owners are contemplating increasing fares to $6.00 per kilometer.
A Taxi owner told Solomon Times that the cost of running a taxi has increased greatly with the rise in fuel prices. At the moment, a taxi will spend around $80 - $100 dollars a day on fuel to earn around $250 - $350.This is not economical especially when you put in the spare parts. The parts for vehicles have also increased and therefore the increase from five dollar to six dollars is a must.
"We do not want to over charge the customers but we are forced to put up the rate to meet the increasing cost of running a taxi", said the taxi owner.
Taxi drivers interviewed by Solomon Times have also expressed the same concern. The drivers were concerned that now they will have to spend more on fuel and that takes away their earnings. Taxi drivers in Honiara, earns 30 cent of every $1 they make. However, they will have to pay for the fuel.
The increase they said is not good for business. Passengers are expected to see the increase in some taxis over the next few days.