Following special approvals by the Solomon Islands and Australian Governments, Solomon Airlines have made available a limited number of passenger seats on the airline’s regular Friday cargo flights between Brisbane and Honiara.

This arrangement will start on the 8th of January 2021 until the 5th of March 2021, seat sales for these flights will commence soon.

The seats on the airline’s Airbus A320 will be limited to the availability of Government approved quarantine accommodation.

All Solomon Airlines flights comply fully with the COVID-19 regulations of the relevant countries. Solomon
Airlines crew on board the airline’s A320 aircraft wear facemasks and gloves for the duration of service and catering is minimal to reduce contact between passengers and crew.

Passenger transportation on the Friday flights will be in addition to further Solomon Islands Government managed repatriation flights for citizens.

Seats on the Friday flights will be available to those who meet special conditions and each passenger must have travel approval granted by the Solomon Islands Prime Minister’s Office.

Passengers seeking to travel on the services should contact Solomon Airlines Sales Offices in Honiara by phoning +677 20152 or emailing or in Brisbane by phoning +617 3860 5883 or emailing


Flight IE701 departs Brisbane at 10.00am and arrives into Honiara at 2:15pm.

Seats on the Friday services from Brisbane to Honiara are limited to those who have spent the 28 days prior to intended departure, in a ‘low-risk country’ as classified by the Solomon Islands Government.

Those countries currently include Australia, New Zealand, China and Taiwan (excluding Hong Kong) and South Pacific countries (excluding Papua New Guinea and French Polynesia).

Each passenger will be required to have two negative COVID-19 PCR test results, one between 12 and 14 days prior to departure and a final test taken 72 hours prior to departure.

All passengers will be responsible for self-funding their required quarantine in approved accommodation in Honiara.


Flight IE700 from Honiara to Brisbane will depart at 3:15pm, arriving into Brisbane at 5:30pm.

Passengers on these flights must have right of entry to Australia or be transitting onward to other international destinations.

For more details on what is required to travel to or from the Solomon Islands via Brisbane visit the link:

Source: Solomon Airlines