Walter Silvae, chairman of Baniata Community Organic Committee (BCOC), the body promoting/governing the organic ngali nut production and representing the ngali nut growers in Baniata, has handed over cash to Dorida Elson, the president of the Baniata Women’s Saving/Lending Scheme.
As a social enterprise, SolAgro has been returning 10% of its annual profits to BCOC for community development purposes. This fund, saved over the last four years, is now transferred by BCOC to the Lending Scheme established recently. The lending scheme is part of SolAgro’s overall aim of increasing access to finance by families in Baniata through the ngali nut value chain development.
SolAgro acknowledges the World Bank’s Rural Development Program (RDP) and Zai Na Tina for funding and implementing, respectively, the establishment of the Saving/Lending Scheme in Baniata, which involves an office space, financial literacy trainings and initial seed fund for the lending scheme. SolAgro also acknowledges POETCom for establishing BCOC and the organic participatory guarantee system (PGS) in Baniata.
Source: SolAgro