The Solomon Islands Visitors Bureau (SIVB) is intending to boost its marketing and promotions to the outside world through the internet.
The plan was announced in the SIVB's 2007-2010 strategic plan which was approved by the Board of Directors at its Meeting on August 30.The Strategic Plan document was the result of five months of research, write-up, and review by officers of the Bureau and it is designed to provide a road map for the Bureau over the next three years.
The Strategic Plan document spells out the Bureau's tourism goals and objectives for the next three years and how it plans to achieve those goals and objectives during the planning period.
The Bureau's general manager, Michael Tokuru, said the Bureau's immediate task now is to sell the Strategic Plan to key players and major stakeholders in the tourism sector.
Mr Tokuru said the bureau would do this by conducting group presentations, briefing and workshops in the coming weeks.
"One of the key strategies for the Bureau under its Strategic Plan 2007-2010 is to increase its internet marketing and promotion capabilities," Mr Tokuru said.
He said that would involve further upgrading of its existing website and manpower capabilities to facilitate the increase in internet marketing and promotion during the planning period.
Under its Strategic Plan 2007-2010, the SIVB will register and use the trade name "Tourism Solomon Islands" and it will now use its revised destination brand name and tagline "Solomon islands - Discover Somewhere Different".