The Solomon Islands National Union of Workers (SINUW) has called on the government to ratify some of the core principals of the International Labour Organizations Labor convention.
Speaking to Solomon Times today, Secretary General of the National Union of Workers, Tony Kagovai, revealed that the core principles of the labor conventions have not all been fully ratified."To my understanding, only two out of the eight core principles of the convention has been ratified," said Mr Kagovai. "Our recent trip to the ILO conference in Geneva has fast tracked the ratification process, but at least six were left out."
Kagovai said that it is important to ratify the remaining six as it would ensure that Solomon Islands is up to date with its local laws governing labour.
"Once these key principles are ratified, then it would put an obligation on government to ensure that our laws are up to par with international standards," Kagovai adds.
"Appropriate legislative frameworks will then be drawn up, debated and hopefully passed in Parliament," he said.
Calls made to the Commissioner of Labour and the Department of Commerce for comments were unsuccessful.