Reports are emerging that the Solomon Islands Democratic Party (SIDP) are working on a grand coalition with all the minor parties.
The minor parties, mainly in terms of numbers in the current house, are the United Democratic Party (UDP), Democratic Alliance Party (DAP), United Party (UP), Peoples Alliance Party (PAP), Solomon Islands Party for Rural Advancement (SIPRA) and the People First Party (PFP).
The list below shows that should the coalition come to fruition endorsed by party heads and submitted to the registrar of political parties than they will have 21 MPs - still needing 5 MPs to form government.
Everything will depend on how discussions pan out today, it is understood there will be a meeting this morning for the grand coalition group.
Reports are also emerging that some Independent MPs will formally renounce their status today and join one of the minor parties in the grand coalition, further boosting their numbers.
For now and until a formal coalition agreement is signed by the parties and submitted to the registrar of political parties, one cannot know for certain. Chances are, should such an agreement is delayed, one of the minor parties may seek to cut a better deal with the other camp.
Solomon Islands Democratic Party (SIDP)
1. Auki/Langa Langa
Mathew Wale
2. West Kwara’ae
Sam Iduri
3. Rannonga Simbo
Charles Sigoto
4. West Makira
Derick Manuari’i
5. North West Guadalcanal
Bodo Detke
6. North Guadalcanal
Samson Maneka
7. Malaita Outer Islands
Martin Mokolo Kealoe
8. East Honiara
Douglas Ete
United Democratic Party (UDP)
9. South New Georgia Tetepare
Danny Philip
10. North Vella
Clezy Rore
11. Central Honiara
John Moffat Fugui
12. Baegu/Asifola
Makario Tagini
Democratic Alliance Party (DAP)
13. Small Malaita
Rick Houenipwela
14. Hograno/Kia/Havulei
Jeremiah Manele
15. Maringe/Kokota
Culwick Togamana
United Party (UP)
16. East Areare
Peter Kenilorea Jr.
17. Fataleka
Annex Ramofafia
Peoples Alliance Party (PAP)
18. East Malaita
Manasseh Maelanga
19. Shortlands
Chris Laore
Solomon Isalnds Party for Rural Advancement (SIPRA)
20. South Guadalcanal
Rollen Seleso
People First Party
21. Marovo
Chachabule Amoi