The United States has announced an SBD$204 Million grant for Malaita Province under the Pacific Pledge of the Indo-Pacific strategy.
“The United States considers the Pacific Islands to be important partners in fostering a free and open Indo-Pacific region, and we greatly value our historical ties, strong economic links, and mutual cooperation towards a brighter future,” the US State Department said in a recent statement.
“USAID is beginning a USD$25 million (SBD$204M) Strengthening Competitiveness, Agriculture, Livelihoods and Environment (SCALE) Program focusing on Malaita Province in Solomon Islands.”
The SCALE Program will focus on the following.
- Strengthen the enabling environment to unlock economic opportunity and increase trade.
- Improve natural resource management, including forest governance; promote agribusiness and small enterprise development.
- Expand critical small-scale infrastructure and essential services.
“The United States has and will continue to partner with the Pacific Islands to tackle global and regional challenges, including promoting regional security and stability, advancing sustainable growth, addressing environmental challenges, responding to natural disasters, and strengthening our people-to-people ties,” the statement reads.