Government Ministries are now ready to implement the Safe and Green Games in their Ministerial Budgets, following the launch of the Safe and Green Games Strategy by the Hon. Prime Minister, Manasseh Sogavare on 3 March 2023.
Permanent Secretaries and Deputy Secretaries have completed their briefing on the implementation of the Safe and Green Games Strategy last Thursday.
Chair GIC, in the Office of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, overseeing Government Preparations for the Pacific Games 2023, Bernard Bataanisia, says the meeting enabled Ministries to be briefed on the implementation of the work plan and activities and align to the Safe and Green Games Strategic Plan under the four (4) Pillars.
- Beautification and Landscaping
- Games Critical
- Games Support
- Advocacy and Awareness
The Chairman added that each of the Ministerial activities and work plans are dovetailed under the above Pillars and support NHA and GOC to successfully implement the Games.
The CEO of GOC Peter Stewart updated the meeting on key functional areas required from Government services to support the Games. These include Health, Security, Border Control and other services.
Finally, Government Officials during the meeting shared lessons learnt from the City Wide Cleanup campaign on the 4th and 5th March. While the Clean-up program has been successful, there were also gaps and challenges faced such as picking up of rubbish and allocation of bins in the city, which the Government and HCC are sharing resources to improve.
Source: PMO Media