A rural man has questioned the bottom up approach and how mass scale logging is working against this concept.
The rural dweller questions why logging is still operating at a large scale, where foreign companies are gaining sixty percent of revenue compared to a lower percentage earned by landowning groups.He also stated that the government should concentrate on assisting landowners with small scale sawmilling operations through the provision of portable sawmills. At the same time, training locals on the skills of exporting and marketing should be another area in which the government should be addressing in order to assist them in creating opportunities for themselves to get a greater share of revenues from their resources.
He further stressed that if the government is serious about implementing the much talked about Bottom Up Approach then logging has to make way for more sustainable forms of harvesting of our timber resources.
He also questioned why a prominent government minister has shares in logging companies that continues to rob our people. He said that if the minister is serious about the plight of rural people then he should get his act right instead of saying something and doing something contrary to it.