Officers of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) in Honiara have started an operation to ensure under age youth are not allowed to enter public bars and night clubs within the capital city.
This follows the abduction of a 14-year-old girl from one of the public bars in Honiara last month. A man has been arrested and charged.
Provincial Police Commander (PPC) Honiara City, Chief Superintendent Stanley Riolo says, “The purpose of the police visits to the pubs and night clubs is to make sure that all operators of pubs and night clubs comply with the condition of their licences which includes not allowing those under 21 years of age to enter their premises.”
PPC Riolo says, “During the visits during last weekend all of the premises visited had valid licenses. My officers also advised the operators to display the license of the premises where alcohol is sold.”
“My officers also took several youth from one of the night clubs to the Kukum Police Station in East Honiara to warn them as they were believed to be below the legal age for entering such premises.”
Chief Superintendent Riolo says, “We will continue with the visits to the pubs and night clubs over the next few weeks to ensure all the operators are operating legally and that those who are under the legal age are not being allowed to enter those premises.”
Source: RSIPF Media