Premier of Rennell Bellona province Hon. Willy Tuhagenga is urging his people to get vaccinated as it is the only way to prevent community transmission.
“My good people given the state of our health systems, challenges with access to specialist health care and our population size, a community transmission will indeed be devastating for us. Therefore you will not regret your choice of taking your jab as of today”, said Hon. Tuhagenga.
“Getting these vaccines into the country is not an easy task, therefore I thank the DCCG government, Oversight Committee and all others for contributions made towards getting these important vaccines into the country and our province."
He also urged his people not to believe in rumours or information that are not from reliable sources, such as social media and non-health workers, and to only trust vaccine related information from health authorities and technical agencies such as WHO and UNICEF.
“That said I wish to call on community chiefs and elders, church leaders, and all persons 18 years and above to come forward and get vaccinated against COVID-19. Let us support this roll out program. My government assures of its commitment to support the roll out and to demonstrate this I will take the first jab and urge you all to follow suit”, said the Premier.
On the launch date 54 people came on that day to get their first vaccine dose including government ministry personals, health and police, community and church leaders.
Source: MHMS Media