A team from the Ministry of Public Service held a two-day awareness and consultation talks in Auki last week with various cadres and Senior Public Servants posted within the Malaita Provincial Government.
The team of five Senior Officers included the IPAM Coordinator and Team Leader, Salana Kalu, and the Assistant Secretary-Human Resources, Maxwell Banyo. The team was tasked with ensuring that Heads of Divisions seconded to Malaita Province were aware and fully briefed of the changes taking place in the Public Service.The Public Service Commission and The Public Service Department have been working together to improve the way in which recruitment and selection is managed in the Solomon Islands Public Service.
The team stated that there are many reasons for a new delegated model and one of the main reasons is the need to "let the managers manage" and to increase the emphasis on transparency, accountability and recommendation based on merit.
The team provided support and advice on the many changes and processes taking place in the Public Service to ensure that public servants undertake their delegated functions clearly under the amended regulations.
The team stated that there are immediate plans to visit other Public Servants and Seconded Staff in all the other Provinces.