The Government has taken further measures in view of the potential risks of Covid-19 by scaling down public service operations starting today.
Cabinet has made the decision on March 26 and has instructed the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Public Service to advise public servants of this process.
Under this latest measure, public servants under the non-essential services are authorized to take emergency paid leave of absence from work starting on March 31 until further notice.
After a 30 days leave period, public officers’ remuneration will be on half-pay until they are recalled to duty. On resumption to duty, officers’ salaries will be reinstated in full while the other 50% salary withheld during emergency leave will also be repaid in full.
Salaries of non-established employees at grade levels 1 and 2 shall continue to be paid in full whether they are taking emergency leave or remain at work.
Public Officers taking emergency leave shall be supported with a traveling assistance of $2,500.00 as a one-off payment irrespective of their leave destinations.
Essential Services ministries and agencies will continue discharging their services as usual and are advised to adhere to all occupational health and safety measures in the course of duty.
Any essential services officers who may have serious pre-existing health conditions are advised to consult their respective responsible officers if they wish to take emergency leave.
All officers at the executive and senior management level across the service are instructed to work at home to maintain communication through available information and communication technologies.
These category includes Permanent Secretaries, Under Secretaries, Directors, Financial Controllers and Human Resource Managers.
Public officers are also encouraged to continue to seek God’s guidance as the country journey through uncharted waters ahead caused by threats from Covid-19.
Source: SIG News Service