Prime Minister, Dr. Derek Sikua, has named a new Cabinet.

Thirteen of the twenty-four ministers of the Sikua government were sworn-in yesterday.

His Excellency, the Governor General, Sir Nathaniel Waena, officiated the ceremony at Government House.

Former Opposition Leader, and MP for Central Kwara'ae, Fred Fono, is the new Deputy Prime Minister, and sworn in as new Minister for Rural Development and Indigenous Affairs.

The other Ministers include:

Milner Tozaka as Minister for Public Service
Snyder Rini as Minister for Finance and Treasury
Steve Abana retained the Minister for Development Planning and Aid Coordination portfolio.

Samuel Manetoali is the new Minister for Police, National Security and Correctional Services
Toswell Kaua for Law and Justice
Job Duddley Tausinga is Minister for Education and Human Resources Development Johnson Koli is Minister for Health and Medical Services
Seth Gukuna for Culture and Tourism
Selwyn Riumana is Minister for Agriculture and Livestock
Martin Magga for Lands, Housing and Survey
Stanley Sofu for Infrastruture Development
Varian Lonamei for Communication, Aviation and Meteorology

The remaining 10 Ministers sworn-in 10am today are:

Francis Billy Hilly for Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Employment
Nollen Leni for Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources
Edward Huni'ehu for Ministry of Energy, Mines and Rural Electrification
Sir Allan Kemakeza for Ministry of Forestry
Gordon Darcy Lilo for the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Meteorology David Day Pacha for Ministry of Provincial Government,
James Tora for Ministry of Home Affairs
Sam Iduri for Ministry of National Peace and Reconciliation
Peter Tom for Ministry of Women, Youth & Children Affairs
William Haomae for Foreign Affairs