Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare has ordered a lockdown starting 7pm tonight until 7am Friday 26th November 2021.
The Prime Minister approved the lockdown under regulations 15(1)(a) and (2) and 17(1)(a) and (b) of the Emergency Powers (COVID-19) (No. 3) Regulations 2021 (Legal Notice No. 318 of 2021) within Honiara boundary and to be enforced by the police.
The police are calling on all citizens of Solomon Islands especially those in Honiara to remain calm and refrain from taking any illegal action following today’s protest.
Police are also calling on Honiara residents to stay at home, and also calls on all parents, chiefs, community leaders, church leaders, women leaders and youth leaders to talk with their members not to take part in any illegal activities.
The police says it will continue to conduct high visibility patrols throughout Honiara for the duration of the lockdown.
Protestors have spread to rioting and arson in the capital Honiara, forcing the government to act. There was extensive damage to businesses and trade stores, with looting taking place at the kukum area and Chinatown.
It is not yet certain how restrictive the lockdown will be, with many residents in Honiara caught off guard and unprepared for such a protracted lockdown.
Source: With RSIPF