Police are currently monitoring the current situation in Auki as the motion of no confidence against the Honorable Premier of Malaita, Daniel Suidani, nears.
The motion will be tabled in the Malaita Provincial assembly on the 27th of October 2021 after it was accepted by the Speaker.
Assistant Commissioner (AC) Provincial Mr Joseph Manelugu says, “Police are monitoring the situation leading up to the motion of no confidence and will not take side of any political matter but focus on the security to ensure the motion runs peacefully.”
AC Manelugu says, “This is a critical time and good people of Malaita allow the democratic process to take its course during the motion of no confidence.”
Mr Manelugu says, “Police will not tolerate anyone who will be involved in any unlawful activities prior, during and after the motion of no confidence.”
“I call on the church leaders and my good people around the county to pray for a peaceful motion to happen next week,” says AC Manelugu.
Source: RSIPF media