Any traveler that is 18 years and older must be fully vaccinated before they can enter the country.
Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare in his nationwide address on Monday this week said intending travellers must undertake their final vaccination dose 4 weeks prior to their travel date.
“No one 18 years and older will be allowed to enter the country if they are not vaccinated,” the Prime Minister strongly emphasized.
The Prime Minister adds as children of older age groups become eligible for vaccination, this provision will also apply to them if they are travelling to Solomon Islands.
Moreover, Prime Minister Sogavare says the National Cabinet has also approved the recommendation by the Oversight Committee to group countries into three risk categories – COVID-19 free, moderate-risk and high-risk.
“This re-categorization of risk is another measure to prepare the country on its journey toward the full reopening of our borders,” he said.
The Prime Minister said the key change is the reduction of post arrival quarantine period across all three risk categories.
He said other changes also include the reduction in pre-departure and post-arrival COVID-19 testing regimen based on scientific analysis and the fact that all returning adults must be fully vaccinated.
The Prime Minister highlighted the requirements for each of the three new risk categories in the regulation as follows:
a. For travellers from COVID-19 free countries
i. One Pre-departure test within 72 hours of arrival.
ii. 7 days quarantine post arrival.
iii. One test during quarantine on day 6 or 7 and discharge on day 7 if negative.
iv. If traveller transits through moderate risk country – 10 days quarantine and two tests.
v. If traveller transits through high-risk country – 14 days quarantine and three tests.
b. For travellers from moderate risk country
i. One pre-departure test within 72 hours of arrival in Solomon Islands
ii. 10 days quarantine post arrival.
iii. Two tests during quarantine on day 2 and days 9-10 and discharge on day 10 if both tests are negative.
iv. If person transits through high-risk country – 14 days quarantine and three tests.
c. For travellers from high-risk country
i. Two pre-departure test between days 9-11 days before departure and within 72 hours of arrival.
ii. 14 days quarantine post arrival.
iii. 3 tests during quarantine on day 2, 7 and days 13-14 and discharge on day 14 if all 3 tests are negative.
For each of the 3 categories, the IC may increase the pre-departure and post arrival requirements based on risk assessments.
Meanwhile, Prime Minister Sogavare said as for children under 18 years of age that cannot be vaccinated, the duration of quarantine for families traveling with children under 18 years old will be as follows:
i. Families with children travelling from COVID-19 free countries – 10 days quarantine and 2 tests.
ii. Families with children travelling from moderate risk countries – 14 days quarantine and 3 tests.
iii. Families with children travelling from high-risk countries – 21 days quarantine and 4 tests.
Prime Minister Sogavare has also announced that the National Cabinet has lifted the suspension on incoming international flights as part of the measures to slowly reopen our borders.
Source: OPMC Media