Solomon Telekom Company Limited this morning officially announced its sponsorship for the Pacific Games 2023, valued at $10.7M Solomon Dollars.
The local telecommunication company will be the Presenting Partner Sponsor supporting and providing worth of infrastructure services and network, across Games venues and villages to improve internet services during the games.
Speaking to SIBC, Chief Executive Officer of Our Telekom, Christina Lasaqa said, this support to GOC is to help in the successful delivery of the games.
“Telekom has been sponsoring sport events since its establishment and this would be one of the main sponsorships or partnerships that it has with the games committee, to participate and see the success of the games.”
“We are Solomon Islanders, and we want the games hosted in our country to be successful, and that is why we are partnering with GOC to prepare our country for the Pacific Games,” she said.
Chairman of the Games Organizing Committee, Martin Rara, also acknowledged Our Telekom for its support towards the games.
“Games organizing committee in other countries see communication companies coming on board with the games organizing as very important because of the geographical location of the region. Communication during the games is vital as it unites the athletes, the officials, and visitors closer to their homes.
"With Telekom on board, we will bring the Pacific close to our shores. As we continue to declare the support, the sponsors that comes to GOC, today is the biggest and on behalf of the board, we value and appreciate the sponsorship of our Telekom,” he said.
As part of the sponsorship agreement, Telekom will also have the access to exploit benefits allocated under the Presenting Sponsor level.
Source: Media Release