The Ministry of Health and Medical Services (MHMS) has revised its order of priority as Day 5 of the Phase 1 vaccination program rolls out.
The MHMS advises that the new order of vaccination will be as follows.
- Front-liners are top priority
- People over the age of 55 years with underlying health conditions
- Public figures (limited number) and
- COVID-19 ex-positives
The MHMS also advise that with the frontline groups all relevant ministries must identify names and send them through to the Medical Officer in Charge of the vaccination site at the Central Field Hospital, Dr Sarah Habu on email
For those people above 55 years with underlying health conditions such as heart diseases, diabetes and high blood pressure they will need to carry their medical card or a certificate from a doctor confirming their medical condition when they go in for vaccination.
Further, the MHMS explains that the AstraZeneca vaccine doses are stored in vials. There are 10 doses in each vial and all must be used within six hours from the time the vial is opened. The MHMS states that should there be doses of the vaccine remaining at the end of each day priority will be given to the following.
- those below 55 years with an underlying health condition
- those above 65 years and
- those essential workers or COVID-19 operations support staff (non-front-liners).
Those that fall within this category are encouraged to share their contact details with health staff at the registration desk outside of the central field hospital or to call 22434 and leave their details.
As informed earlier, out of the 24,000 doses of the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine received, 7000 are being proposed for Honiara and the remaining 17,000 will be sent to the Western Border.
Source: MHMS Press Release