The Minister of Finance, Gordon Darcy Lilo, yesterday presented in Parliament a supplementary budget of more than 82-point-seven million dollars.
Mr. Lilo, in Parliament's second reading yesterday, presented the supplementary appropriation which catered for 25-million dollars already spent under a contingency warrant and a new spending package of more than 57-point-four million dollars.Under the Contingency Warrant, the government had spent just above 24-million dollars for recurrent expenditure, and half-a-million dollars on development expenditure.
The new package sought for Parliament approval will cater for more than 52-million dollars for recurrent expenditures and 5-million for development costs.
Six-million dollars spent under the Contingency warrant was made to the Ministry of Finance to refund overpaid tax revenue.
The government is seeking Parliament approval to spend nine-point-six million dollars for tsunami rehabilitation work and for the hosting of the Premiers' conference later this year in the new allocation under the Supplementary.