A flight from China, scheduled to arrive yesterday in Port Moresby, was cancelled by Controller David Manning.

Mr. Manning told a media briefing yesterday afternoon, this is because, the flight was to have brought in Chinese nationals working for the Ramu Nickel Mine in Madang Province, who were alleged to have been subjected to a COVID-19 'vaccination trial.'

“In light of the lack of information, of what these trials are and what possible risks or threats that they may cause our people if they were to come into the country - I had canceled that flight yesterday just to ensure that we continue to act in the best interest of our people and our country.

"Until the Chinese Government through the Chinese Embassy in Port Moresby provide that information I will be best guided by our health and medical experts here as to what would be the appropriate steps to take when considering looking at applications of Chinese nationals that have been subjected to these vaccination trial entering the country,” Mr. Manning said.

Meantime, Controller Manning has written to the Chinese Ambassador and Ramu Nickel, to provide information on this 'vaccination trial.'

“I’ve since written to the Chinese Ambassador here in PNG, asking him to provide Information as to what these vaccination trials are, or whether the Chinese nationals have been approved to come in been subjected to these trials and whether or not they [Chinese Government] are doing this a requirement for their citizens traveling abroad,” Mr. Manning said.

Controller Manning has issued a new measure, in country, which provides strict adherence and guidelines in light of the 'alleged new COVID-19 vaccination trial' in country.

The Chinese owned mine was reported to have issued an official statement to the National Department of Health informing them that 48 of its staff have been vaccinated with SARS-COV-2 vaccine on August 10th this year.

Controller David Manning, reiterated that Papua New Guinea together with the National Department of Health do not recognize this vaccination as an 'official method of dealing with COVID-19.