Malaita Province Premier, Richard N Irosaea, calls for caution and serious consideration on the call by Ma'asina Forum for greater political autonomy for Malaitans.
He said the issue is a sensitive one and it would require the attention of his cabinet members before going to the media on the issue.The Premier, in a telephone interview, made the statement after a letter was sent to him last week by the President and General Secretary of Ma'asina Forum.
The letter outlined the President and General's secretary's observation of injustice towards Malaitans since British declared protectorate over the Islands.
The same letter was copied to various heads of government including His Excellency the Governor General, The Honourable Prime Minister, Leader of Opposition, RAMSI Coordinator, Minister for Provincial government, Minister for National Reconciliation Permanent Secretary, the Constitutional Reform Unit and the Media.
The Malaitan Premier will make an official stand on Thursday after consulting with his cabinet on Wednesday.