The Peoples Survey is under scrutiny with the Finance Minister, Gordon Lilo, odering a full investigation into the involvement of the Ministry of Finance & Treasury's Statistics Division.
Lilo alleged that receipts of 'secret payments' revealed that payments were made to Government statisticians by ANUTech.Minister Lilo also alleged that more than SBD $100,000.00 had been paid directly to Statistics Division officials for providing private services to ANUTech.
Lilo went on to say that the Government statisticians were wrongly contracted to advise on survey design and logistics utilizing Government-owned property, information and resources.
"These officials are paid salaries to work for Government. They are supposed to safeguard our national intelligence information and not sell it for their private gain," said Lilo.
The Finance Minister said he was disappointed that these Government statisticians did not obtain any statutory approval.
Lilo said that ANUTech did not comply with local laws in commissioning and conducting the Peoples' Survey for RAMSI's benefit.
"I can understand why RAMSI needs to prove its popularity in Solomon Islands but not at the cost of violating our laws regulating statistics, research, labour, immigration, revenue, exchange control, public service employment and national security," said Lilo.
Lilo stated that a joint investigation will be carried out by the Public Service, Finance Ministry and the Police with appropriate disciplinary and criminal proceedings to follow.