The Solomon Islands National Carrier, Solomon Airlines has confirmed the relaunching of the popular ‘Iumi Tugeda Holidays’ program, together with industry partners and tour operators, to offer a new range of attractive and affordable holiday packages across the Provinces.
In collaboration with Tourism Solomons and the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the national carrier will recommence the joint-venture initiative to support local tourism operators as part of post-pandemic tourism recovery efforts.
Phase One of the program launches from today, initially with holiday deals to 10 properties across Gizo, Munda, Seghe, Suavanao and Santa Cruz.
The airline said the program will continue to expand as more operators join the initiative, with bookings open effective immediately through to 15th March 2024.
Flight and accommodation packages from the outer Provinces to Guadalcanal are also planned for those wanting to travel to Honiara, and a range of accommodation-only offers in Guadalcanal and Central will be available for booking via Tourism Solomons.
“We are very excited to again be part of Solomon Islands largest ever domestic tourism initiative,” said Solomon Airlines CEO Gus Kraus.
“Iumi Tugeda Holiday benefits all, creating a platform to grow the local economy through our accommodation providers and tourism operators, as well as offering our domestic market new opportunities to explore our own backyard through very attractive holiday packages “he said.
Prior to the impact of COVID-19 and suspension of all domestic passenger flights from Honiara, Iumi Tugeda Holidays had recorded its highest ever volumes of travellers, with hundreds of Solomon Islanders taking the opportunity to see new parts of the country.
“Iumi Tugeda Holidays has yielded some very successful results from its inception, invigorating the domestic travel market and encouraging many people to travel for the first time to explore other Provinces, or to take short breaks,” Mr Kraus said.
“With that, comes important income for tourism operators who have endured long periods of downturn and are now ready to open their doors again.
“Solomon Airlines has carefully restored our flying operations, with a revised flight schedule that is tailored to meet current demand. As travel rebuilds, we will be watching closely, ready to add supplementary capacity where demand arises,” he added.
The 2023 restart of Iumi Tugeda Holidays will include the participation of local tourism operators who meet the minimum standard requirements set by the Department of Ministry of Culture and Tourism (MCT), hold a valid licence from Tourism Solomons and who are ready to welcome guests again.
Source: Press Release, Solomon Airlines