The Solomon Islands Ministry of Health and Medical Services (MHMS) has identified a Quarantine site for those that may be infected or suspected of being infected by the COVID-19 Coronavirus.
The MHMS, with other Government Ministries and Partners, continues in its preparedness efforts to prevent potential importation of COVID-19 into the country. The MHMS says that to date there are no confirmed COVID-19 Coronavirus disease case detected in Solomon Islands.
Permanent Secretary of MHMS Mrs Pauline McNeil, wishes to thank the support of the Landlord in providing the venue and site for quarantine purposes.
The quarantine site is a place to monitor people who are not sick, however, may have been exposed or have been to restricted and affected countries. The World Health Organisation has provided and will be providing technical and financial support to the Ministry of Health and Medical Services for the set up and furbishing of the quarantine site.
The MHMS says that any person who becomes ill while being quarantined will be immediately transferred to the Isolation centre, for appropriate medical care by trained health workers.
The MHMS says that there is no evidence to suggest that surrounding communities close to the quarantine site are at risk of being infected of COVID-19, as it is secure and within standard requirements for such a facility.
People living around the quarantine site(s) are still being reminded to “remain vigilant by practising good personal hygiene behaviours and respect the quarantine sites at all times by not going near the quarantine sites(s).”
Source: MHMS