The Ministry of Rural Development (MRD) has commended Gao-Bugotu Constituency (GBC) office under the leadership of the Member of Parliament Hon. Samuel Manetoali for delivering meaningful developments in Gao-Bugotu rural communities with the Constituency Development Fund (CDF).
The accolade came after GBC office officially handed over two community Rest Houses, one in Sepi community and the other in Lepi community last week.
“The Ministry much-admired such positive developments and what transpired today proves the commitment and support of the constituency office under the leadership of your MP towards improving social and economic livelihood of our rural communities in Gao-Bugotu,” Principal Planning Officer John Pilumate said while delivering his remarks on behalf of the ministry.
“On behalf of the Minister and the Permanent Secretary for MRD, I congratulated Sepi and Lepi communities for taking up such positive initiative to build such infrastructure in your communities for your greater good,” he said.
Mr Pilumate also extended MRD’s appreciation to the Provincial Member for Japuana Ward Honourable Tony Vahia for his great insight and huge support towards the projects.
“Such infrastructures are a true testament of good leadership and genuine partnership.
“This is a true example of Public-Private Partnership (PPP), an important tool for rural development because they combine the expertise and leverage of the private sector with public sector incentives to promote sustainable rural development in your communities and your constituency as a whole,” Mr Pilumate said.
Mr Pilumate also acknowledged the Isabel Provincial Government for its support towards these rural initiatives.
“I believe Gao/Bugotu has shown a good example of both National and Provincial leaders working together for the greater good of your constituency and province,” he added.
He further stated that MRD will continue to support rural development as part of improving general infrastructure and other development in the rural communities which is one of the core mandates of the ministry under its current Corporate Plan.
Sepi and Lepi communities started their Rest House projects in 2020 with the support from their MPA for Japuana Ward Hon. Vahia in Gao/Bugotu Constituency.
These are priority projects for the two communities which was fully supported by their chiefs, elders and the whole community.
During the course of the projects Gao/Bugotu Constituency Office under the leadership of Hon. MP Manetoali provided mostly hardware materials and other costs while communities provided labour, sand, gravel and timbers which help the projects to complete successfully.
Japuana Ward MPA Honourable Tony Vahia also acknowledged Hon. MP Manetoali for his generous support and collaboration toward the success of the two projects.
“Without the support of our MP and the ministry responsible for rural development these infrastructures would not eventuate.
“This handover signifies the importance of working together between us leaders, the government and the people in the rural communities,” he added.
Constituency Project Officer Francis Pilau encouraged Sepi and Lepi communities to take ownership of the infrastructures and use it for the benefit of their respective communities.
“The handover ceremony today means the building is yours, so take good care of it, establish proper committee (s) to look after its welfare and use it to benefit your communities.
Mr Pilau also thanked the National Government for its continuous support to the CDF program. He also acknowledged the Peoples Republic of China (PRC) for its contribution towards rural development in Solomon Islands especially through the CDF programme.
The handover ceremony which took place in Sepi on Friday and in Lepi on Saturday last week was described by the leaders of both communities as historic.
The official handovers were attended by Deputy Premier of Isabel and MPA for Japuana Ward, Honourable Vahia, MPA for Kolomola Ward Honourable Donald Gordon, Isabel Provincial Assembly Speaker Lawrence Kile, MRD Principal Planning Officer John Pilumate, Isabel Provincial Government Officials and Gao/Bugotu Constituency Project Officer Pilau.
CDF is a programme of the Solomon Islands Government (SIG) and is implemented by the 50 constituencies in the country through the Ministry of Rural Development (MRD) purposely to improve the social and economic livelihoods of all Solomon Islanders.
Source: Press Release, Ministry of Rural Development