Former member of parliament, Fred Fono has lost his petition case against current member of parliament for Central Kwara'ae, Jackson Fiulaua.

After a lengthy analysis of the facts surrounding the petition case presiding Judge Edwin Goldsborough, stated that the witnesses for the petitioner have not provided evidences "that are of standard requirement."

Justice Goldsborough says most of the witnesses could not read or write and therefore their sworn statements do not truly reflect what they say in court.

Justice Goldsborough says it appears that their evidences have become tainted and fabricated.

Based on the weaknesses of the evidences, Justice Goldsborough concluded that the petition be dismissed and the petitioner, Fred Fono, will pay the costs.

Trials in other petition cases against former prime minister Dr Derek Sikua and MP for North Guadalcanal Martin Sopaghe are continuing in the High Court.

Mr Sopaghe had won the first part of his petition case which questions the validity of his nomination as a candidate in last year's elections.