The Solomon Islands Electoral Commission invites people in Malaita to its second public Information and Awareness Day this Saturday 27th February in Auki Town.
The information day follows the successful Honiara public awareness day held last month where information was provided about the current voter registration process and also the upcoming National General Election.The program will begin at 10:00 am until 5:00 pm, in front of Samson shop, close to Auki central market.
Malaita Provincial Secretary, Mr Harold Leka, will officially open the information day which features a performance by Mala Icon, a voter registration drama and other awareness activities about voter registration and the electoral process.
People can practice voting using the single ballot box system at a mock polling station.
Staff from the Electoral Commission and Registration Officials will be present to distribute awareness materials and answer questions.
Chief Electoral Officer, Mr. Polycarp Haununu, said that this public awareness day is one way to give people the information they need to understand the registration process and help the Electoral Commission make a voter's list that has integrity and avoids double registration.
"Knowing how to register if you are 18 years of age and over is the first step in participating in a free and fair election," Mr Haununu said.
"Voter registration and elections are everybody's business and the Electoral Commission needs the support and involvement of the public to make them both a success for the country."
"Currently we are calling on the public to support the proper conduct of voter registration to make a final list that has everyone registered with one name only, and in one place only."
Everyone is encouraged to come along to Auki this Saturday 27th February from 10:00 am at Auki to find out more about voter registration and elections.