229 new positive COVID-19 cases have been recorded today over the past 24-hour reporting period.

The Minister of Health and Medical services Dr Culwick Togamana gave the update during his daily COVID-19 situation report on the national broadcaster.

The cumulative total for the country now stands at 4,203 positive COVID-19 cases.
The health minister also gave a breakdown of positive COVID-19 cases that were reported in from the provinces.


Makira is now free of COVID-19 after the one active case returned a negative test result. All close contacts have also returned a negative test result.


There are 17 new positive COVID-19 cases, all of which are in Auki. This brings the total positive COVID-19 cases in Malaita to 362.

Despite the increase in cases the health minister says 28 have since recovered from the virus.


There are 5 new cases recorded, brining the total for the province to 81. From the 81 cases 29 have since recovered, only 52 remain active.


No report over the 24-hour period, total cases remain at 75.


There are 11 new cases reported, bringing the total for the province to 128.


There are 15 new positive cases reported in the province, 8 were recorded in Taro and 7 in Wagina. It is now evident that the virus has spread beyond Wagina, and the health ministry is calling on the people to practice health safety measures such as limiting contact with people outside of their immediate household.


There are 4 new positive cases in the province, brining the total to 38 cases, of which 34 are classified as active.

No cases have been reported in Temotu and Rennell Bellona provinces.