Counting of votes of for Central Honiara had recommenced 12pm today.
This followed by an interuption to the count at the beginning of batch 9 having to do with an incompleted polling form for one of our polling stations. A counting agent had formally made a complaint requiring that legal interpretations be clarified to him.
Should a complain is recieved under section 104 of the Electoral Act -Complain During Counting, the matter will have to be substantiated and be dealt with immediately.
A second level (SC2) of a reconcilliation process had to be initiated by the Returning Officer and the SIEO to verify that all ballots issued on polling day were correctly accounted for and validated. This was done infront of all counting agents.
Reconcilliations are completed with all verifications confirming all ballots were accounted for irrespective of an incomplete polling form. All counting agents have confirmed and agreed to the outcome of the verification process.
The Returning Officer had also sought legal clarifications and has forwarded his decisions to the aggrieved counting agent.
The Commission is appealing to candidates, voters and constituents in Central Honiara to bear with our electoral processes til completion of the election.
Counting of votes now underway with batch 9 of the 12 batches.
Source: SIEO