Through the Australia Pacific Training Coalition (APTC), Australia has provided Divit Rural Training Centre (RTC) with a new vehicle and tools and resources to strengthen its training delivery.
The handover of the new equipment to Divit RTC is part of the Solomon Islands Skills Strengthening initiative that is being implemented with seven national training providers to strengthen the national Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) sector.
The presentation was made by the Counsellor for Human Development at the Australian High Commission in Solomon Islands, Mika Kontiainen, to the Divit RTC Principal Sr. Anna Ngosana in the presence of the Education Secretary for Catholic Education, Modesta Hasiau.
“Technical and vocational education has always been an important part of what we do in Solomon Islands because for any society to function well and for any economy to thrive, we need efficient services and logistics. Supplying national training providers with necessary equipment and tools is crucial for the development of the TVET sector in Solomon Islands,” Mr Kontiainen said.
He added that such contributions will enhance the institution’s New Directions for Young Women and Girls pathways program with student work placements, daily training needs and will help trainers access employers to ensure training and trainers’ skills remain relevant to industry needs.
Sr. Anna acknowledged the Australian Government through APTC for the continuous assistance that will greatly assist the school in its quest for quality training delivery.
“Last year, we received 20 laptops and associate accessories. This year, we are so blessed with a new vehicle and tools and equipment to help us in our training delivery to our students. The vehicle will help us with transportation as it is one of the needs of our school,” Sr. Anna explained.
APTC is Australia’s flagship TVET program in the Pacific and Timor-Leste, contributing to a more skilled, inclusive and productive workforce for the region.
Since its establishment in 2007, APTC has trained more than 2,100 Solomon Islanders.
Source: Press Release