Australia has delivered the first of two deliveries of medical supplies to the Solomon Islands.
The medical supplies arrived today on board a Royal Australian Air Force flight, and will help in the country's response to the growing COVID-19 outbreak.
The two flights will deliver 19 tonnes of supplies, including 100 oxygen concentrators, masks, gloves, infection control equipment and other PPE.
Australia will also help in transporting 6 tonnes of UNICEF Pacific emergency supplies.
Australia is continuing to procure further equipment to support Solomon Islands in its COVID-19 response.
In the face of such challenges, Australia says it will always stand ready to assist its Pacific Family.
Solomon Islands recorded an additional 57 positive cases of COVID-19 today, after a 24-hour testing and reporting period.
This brings the total number of community transmission to 320 since the first case was detected.
Solomon Islands has a 40% average positive rate (total tested vs total positive). According to the WHO, a positive rate of less than 5% is one indicator that the epidemic is under control in that country.
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