Officers of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) at Kukum Police Station have warned 60 vehicle drivers for prosecution over a six-week period since 16 September 2019.
Support Manager of RSIPF Traffic Department, Senior Sergeant (SSgt) George Mouli explains: “The sixty vehicle drivers were amongst the 377 vehicles that were checked along the roads in Honiara City up to 23 October 2019.”
“Out of the total of 60 drivers, 18 were charged for using unlicensed motor vehicles; 14 for presence of alcohol in person’s blood; 12 for unlicensed drivers; 10 drivers for using uninsured motor vehicles; four for permitting unlicensed motor vehicles; and two for permitting uninsured motor vehicles,” Staff Sergeant Mouli adds.
The drivers were bailed separately to appear before the Honiara Central Magistrates’ Court at a later dates.
SSgt Mouli advises all drivers and vehicle owners: “All motor vehicles must be licensed before they may be used on public roads. Sadly people still do not get the message, ‘do not drink alcohol and drive’ on the roads because such an act endangers other road users, and passengers on board your vehicle and yourself.”
SSgt Mouli appeals to the law abiding citizens of Honiara City to report to your police drivers who ignore our message for road safety - do not drink alcohol and drive, and make sure your vehicle is road worthy.
The public is advised to report traffic breaches to the Police Communication Centre on phones 23666 or the free toll line 999. Otherwise report them to the Kukum Traffic Centre to phone 22336.
Source: RSIPF Media Unit