The Chairman of Government Caucus, Nelson Ne'e said the report on the 'People's Survey 2007' "contained some illogical findings".
The survey was conducted by the Australian National University Enterprise Pty Ltd. on the Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands.Mr. Ne'e said that while a claim in the report that 89 percent of Solomon Islanders wanted more women in Parliament, the findings did not reflect in the results of the national general elections last year where none of the record number of women contestants secured a seat in the current Parliament.
He questioned how the survey interviewers came up with the figure, stating that obviously, illogical finding has put the integrity of the entire survey findings under question and therefore warranted an investigation by the government.
The Caucus Chairman said furthermore, the report failed to provide necessary detailed information on the age and sex brackets on the people interviewed, as well as the questionnaires.
He said such information should also be published in the survey report as these are important information that the public should also know of.
Mr. Ne'e expressed his surprise that some Solomon Islanders objected to the government's rejection of the report without giving time for some reasoning.
Finance Minister Gordon Darcy Lilo has ordered a full investigation of the involvement of the Ministry of Finance & Treasury's Statistics Division in the design and completion of the survey.
The government was horrified to learn that more than SBD100, 000.00 had been paid directly to Statistics Division officials for providing private services to ANUTech.
Government statisticians were contracted to advice on survey design and logistics utilizing Government-owned property, information and resources.