Honiara Police are investigating an incident in which two suspects were found consuming liquor at Central Markets on Saturday night 22 September 2007.
Honiara Police are investigating an incident in which two suspects were found consuming liquor at Central Markets on Saturday night 22 September 2007.A 26 year old man and a 19 year old man were arrested by Honiara Police after they were found drinking alcohol at approximately 1pm.
Both men were charged with Consuming Liquor in a public place. They appeared at the Honiara Magistrates Court [yesterday] morning.
In a another incident, a 21 year old man was arrested by Honiara Police at Central Markets on Friday 21 September 2007.
The man was caught selling liquor illegally. He was subsequently charged with selling liquor without a licence and also appeared at Honiara Magistrates Court today.
In separate incident at Central Markets, a 21 year old male was also arrested for selling Kwaso on 22 September 2007.
Officer in-charge of the Liquor Licensing Squad said the police will continue to monitor activities in Honiara and in particular Central Markets.
"It is disappointing to see members of the public still breaching liquor laws in Honiara. The Police are working very hard to stop the illegal sale of liquor. Police arrested four people on the weekend for liquor offences and these illegal practices are something Police will continue to target," he said.