It is estimated that 60 percent of water pumped by Solomon Islands Water Authority have gone to waste or has not been paid for.
A reliable source has revealed to Solomon Times that under the colonial administration Feeder meters were installed so that water down branch could be checked against water sold from that Branch.Feeder/Branch meter readings therefore could help to compile a summary of water pumped to water sold. However, our source had revealed that so far the water pumped and Feeder Branch meters are not being read.
Our source revealed that the last time the Feeder Branch meter was read had revealed that only 40 percent of water pumped through to the Feeder is being sold.
Our source have also revealed that engineers and other staff are not allowed to make decisions only the GM and Executive board members are allowed to make the decisions.
Water shortages and irregular bills are the result of damaged meters, illegal new and old connections and reading meter 'from under the coconut tree' is said to be a common practice by SIWA meter readers.
Revelations by the source have said that Staff loan and advances are very high. There are also many unaccounted impress Accounts. Our source also said that the Staff moral is low from Senior Staff down to the junior staff unless you are a Wantok.
The sources also said that most of the existing meters need replacements washers; stop cock and leaks on and around the meters have become common. Problem with stop valves are common everywhere.