On the eve of the bye-elections, excited fans jam packed trucks, vans and cars to drive through town cheering and shouting their candidate's names.
The commotion began very early this morning, as East Honiara begins its count down for the polls tomorrow.Again the Solomon Islands will wait in anticipation to see which candidate will make it to the Parliament for the remaining of the term before the General Elections.
Curious onlookers and office workers came out of the office to witness the event as truckloads of people drove through the main city.
According to onlookers judging the number of truckloads to each candidate, the competition may be between, Mr. Simeon Bouro, Mr. Edward Ronia and Mr. Milikada Miller Silas.
However, Mr. George Kai from the general public told Solomon Times that every candidate are very good people, "but we need to make the right decision". He said that the people of East Honiara must choose wisely before voting, as wise choices will mean a change for the better to the communities of East Honiara.
Twenty six candidates are contesting for the Parliamentary seat of East Honiara.