Solomon Islands Postal Corporation (SIPC), trading as Solomon Post is now an official sponsor and partner of the 2023 XVII Pacific Games.
The official announcement of the sponsorship valued at SBD 2million dollars was made at a Press Conference in Honiara today.
Solomon Post, a State-Owned-Enterprise (SOE) and the leading provider of postal and delivery services in Solomon Islands is the Games second sponsor – and the first this year (2023).
Solomon Post’s Chief Executive Officer, Alfred Ghemu Kituru said they are indeed proud to sponsor the 2023 Pacific Games through the Games Organizing Committee (GOC), adding that his team is committed to supporting GOC in its preparations and delivery of the Sol2023 Pacific Games this year.
“We are indeed very happy to partner with the Games Organizing Committee and various other committees to ensure that the 2023 Pacific Games is a success for all of us.
“We assure you (GOC) of our support and that we are ready to participate whatever and where-ever we can,” Mr Kituru said.
Acting Board Chairman, James Apaniai uttered similar sentiments, “The Sol2023 Pacific Games will be the biggest sporting event in Solomon Islands – and we are indeed proud to be one of the sponsors.”
Mr Apaniai said that the decision to support the Sol2023 Pacific Games was driven by the desire to see the Games successfully delivered through the support and assistance of all Solomon Island citizens and businesses.
“We (Solomon Post) believe that it is our duty and responsibility – that of all individual and corporate citizens to come in and assist GOC to deliver what the nation wants, and that is a successful 2023 Pacific Games.”
Meanwhile, GOC Deputy Chair Jasper Anisi acknowledged Solomon Post for partnering with the Sol2023 Pacific Games.
“We welcome such partnership as it reflects the corporate spirit, support and commitment. Such financial support and commitment will provide the financial security to GOC on behalf of the Solomon Islands Government to deliver a memorable Pacific Games this year.”
Mr Anisi reaffirmed that in recognition of Solomon Post’s financial contribution towards the Pacific Games – they (Solomon Post) will receive numerous benefits and rights associated with the Silver Partner Sponsorship including – the rights to being the Games Postal Service Provider.
The 2023 Pacific Games (Sol2023) will be for two weeks, beginning November 19th to December 2nd, 2023.
Source: GOC Media Release