The Solomon Island Planned Parenthood Association will embark on two major advocacy programs next year.
Speaking with the SIPPA Information, Education and Communication Officer, George Pitakoe said the two programs will be the "first ever" of its kind for the office to organise."The two programs, while dealing with different groups, will have the same objectives based on Sexual Reproductive Health," Mr. Pitakoe said.
He revealed that the target groups will be Provincial Premiers and church leaders.
"The aim of the initiative is to have provincial leaders and church leaders in one place for awareness talks on health issues affecting the country," Mr. Pitakoe added.
He said that the advocacy programs will help the leaders know how to best address given health issues to their respective groups and provinces.
"The programs should also help give these leaders a better understanding on how SIPPA works and its responsibilities," Mr. Pitakoe said.
He said that plans are already in place and an open dialogue to finalise the two programs should be in place early next year.
"We believe that organising such programs will help bridge the gap, and we can get them to support the programs of SIPPA, and vice versa in SIPPA supporting the churches and premiers," Mr. Pitakoe said.