To all wantoks, since there are so many good ideas being expressed to SolTimes around a lot of happenings at home, and especially from SI-ders from other parts of the world, it would be great for commentators to access forms for submissions of ideas for the current RAMSI review, make comments, and be a direct participant of this exercise.
The due date for comments is 5 Sept 2008 and the forms can be accessed from:
Simply put, why do we always raise concerns about our country in forums as this, but when it calls for our contribution we refrain?
I am already in the process of arranging a forum for SI students here in Canberra to make a submission.
Hem nomoa.
RAMSI Review: Call for SI-ders overseas to contribute
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this letter are those of George Hoa'au and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Solomon Times Online.
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