For more than 10 years now Doctors have been the Permanent Secretaries in the Health and Medical dept. What have they been doing to curb the brain drain of our Doctors to other countries? Don't blame politicians for your internal squabbles and self-seeking glory for all the failures in our health dept.

A Permanent Secretary is accountable for his/her depts development on both human and services development while a minister brings to cabinet and parliament what ever cabinet papers relevant to the desires of the department. The Department has had Dr Manimu, Dr Leafasia, Dr Malefoasi, Dr Cyril Pitakaka and Dr Manimu again. Every expert long Health now yia headim dept yia - Why blame someone else when one of yours was in the position to change matters for at least the past 15 years. Doctors who left apart from regional appointments are just purely for economic reasons and that is selfishness and greed . They shouldnt have chosen that career if their motives is money. As Togomae alluded to earlier a master plan for the dept would show the direction in which human resources development and services are going to be implemented.