I think its time the Ministry of Health needs to critically analyse its policies in relation to the services it provide to the people. The Ministry should now realize that it must place more emphasis on Public Health than curative.
We need to train more Public Health workers to help people look after themselves in a healthy way. There is need to strengthen the Public Health service of the Ministry of Health in the Solomon Islands to ensure the people of the Country get the accurate health information and live a healthy life.
This I think will reduce the incidence and prevalence of dieases among the people, which will result in reduced number of sick people seeking medical care from the Doctors and nurses. We will always have sick people and shortage of Doctors in the Country, but in the absence of strengthen Public Health Care.
Solomon Islands will still have to resort to the old way on managing and providing health care services. I strongly believe that reorientating the health service towards improving the public health services is the way forward.
Shortage of Doctors
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this letter are those of Paraniala Lui and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Solomon Times Online.
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