Just like to share few thoughts about this issue.
At the moment it's very hard to attribute the rising water level to global warming or tectonic plate movement. Both arguments are possible but also requires more scientific evidence.
The truth there is a rise in the sea level since the begining of 2008. Data obtained from the Honiara sea frame/tide gauge for the month of may indicates a rising sea level of 7.8mm/yr. This is excluding tectonic movement. "Please exercise caution when intepreting this figures as the time series is too short to make a final conclusion."
It is possible that this increase may be associated with the recent La Nina that we have experienced as the trade winds pick up in our part of the pacific.
So i believe this rise in the water level may be due to the rising sea level but the reason behind this increase needs further investigation.
Rise of Water Level at Lake Tegano
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this letter are those of david hiba and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Solomon Times Online.
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