
The flight from China is arriving tomorrow and I read TSI statement about the risks.

The only risk I am worried about is the trial vaccine by the China government. I read that the PNG top boss for controlling the virus ban a flight from China because they were told some are under the trial vaccine.

The problem is we do not know how widespread this trial vaccine is, because we will never know. PNG say they ban any trial vaccine in PNG that is why the block the flight and send some people back. China is maybe not happy but the PNG is standing firm to their decision, which I admire.

What is our government standing on trial vaccine? We should not allow anyone to enter if they are also part of trial vaccine. We never know how they will react to a vaccine and it will put us at risk.

We also ask the China office in Honiara to share information with the government because that is the only way public will satisfy. If not public will continue to be not happy.