Dear editor,
I think lock down is our only option. Going back to our island is good to control any potential spread if we are unlucky. My only concern is those of us that return home. What will happen if there is a lock down? Where will we get our basic supplies? Can government make sure that if Honiara is lock down that other areas can continue to service our communities?
I hear on radio over the weekend on the talk back show that place like Noro will continue, if no case reported there. Can government make sure we have boats to station there and continue to service other islands. At least cargo can be taken from there. All MPs need to work together with government and figure out how we will continue to feed the provinces if Honiara lock down. If we have to lock down it might take a while, so we must plan ahead.
Prepare for lock down
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this letter are those of Tanya Ilia and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Solomon Times Online.
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